A lack of motivation, can be restful and therapeutic, in the right measure for the right reasons. But it can also be accompanied by an evil twin: fear.
Do You Have a Wonder Woman Complex?
Are you so busy maintaining your family, work, kids and other people’s expectations that you’ve forgotten how to just be?
By 96five Thursday 31 Dec 2020
Anyone else out there feel like they have to hold it all together like some kind of superhero?
I’m sure I used to have a Wonder Woman complex. It works a treat – for a while. It’s all cool while you have the energy, but then where do you run to when things are falling apart?
Do you withdraw into a book, distract yourself online, or do you wall up with another mask and try to hold yourself together on the outside, pretending to be invincible while inside your heart is imploding into a thousand jagged pieces?