“However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.”Ephesians 5:33If your partner and you build a life on mutual respect, you create a strong foundation for your marriage and draw closer to God. Ephesians 5:33, a guiding light.
Have you ever had the feeling that you are your family's "least favorite child"? Your relationships and sense of self-worth can suffer significantly from the depressing notion that you are not as loved or valued as your siblings. Imagine now that both partners share this emotional burden in a romantic.
From the Pharisees who opposed Him to the crowds who celebrated His teaching countless individuals encountered Him and then continued on in their former way of life. The same can happen to us. When January began, I couldn’t shake the thought: I don’t want to miss Jesus this year. So Much More Last week, when Dannah Gresh spoke to the Revive Our Hearts team during a staff chapel service, I stopped taking notes and just started texting quotes from her message directly to friends. Grab your Bible, notebook, and pen and turn to Mark 8 as Dannah shares three ways that we can learn to see Jesus more clearly and three ways to cure spiritual blindness. Before you press play on the video, I’d encourage you to jot down your own prayer at the top of the page: Lord, help me to see Jesus. In the video, Dannah mentioned that our staff is journeying together through Nancy’s new book, Incomparable: 50 Days with Jesus.