HADLEY A new ambulance service run by the Fire Department will begin serving Hadley later this year, the first time the town will have municipally operated medical care.A used ambulance acquired from Northampton for $20,000 can start rolling after.
HADLEY Residents at annual Town Meeting next month will not get a chance to weigh in on investing more than $1 million into the aging Russell School building in town center, but instead will consider a significantly smaller expenditure for a.
HADLEY Residents at annual Town Meeting next month will not get a chance to weigh in on investing more than $1 million into the aging Russell School building in town center, but instead will consider a significantly smaller expenditure for a.
HADLEY Although the spending request is already on the warrant for annual Town Meeting on May 4, a $1.25 million plan to stabilize the historic Russell School through repairs to its foundation and roof could be put off to a later time.The Select.
HADLEY Although a spending request is already on the warrant for annual Town Meeting on May 4, a $1.25 million plan to stabilize the historic Russell School through repairs to its foundation and roof could be put off to a later time.The Select Board.