The network dropped three unexpected episodes, each recreated in various styles of puppetry, of Michael Cusack and Zach Hadel’s animated comedy about a company tasked with bringing happiness to a bizarre yet colorful world.
The Kratt brothers return to PBS Kids with an all-new feature special that looks at our planet as a living, breathing entity, emphasizing the indispensable nature of both oceans and forests to its wellbeing, debuting April 1 on PBS Kids.
The new holding company housing MPC, Mikros Animation, The Mill, and Technicolor Games plans a gradual transformation from VFX and animation businesses to a singular ‘visual experiences’ company delivering cutting-edge technology in visual storytelling.
The encore presentation at the Museum of Science and Industry features sculptures, architecture, installations, mutant vehicles, and screenings of the animated shorts ‘Fleeting Marvels’ and ‘Jung & Restless,’ followed by a Q&A; tickets are now on sale for the April 20 event.