Karen Lebacqz's Christian viewpoint on abortion is illuminating. Stop trying to find the point in a pregnancy when a fetus becomes human, she says. Instead, accept the fact that some women face a crisis and the church community should provide compassionate support. That is the central issue. Karen Lebacqz's Christian Viewpoint on Abortion
Digital immortality or cybernetic immortality via whole brain emulation is what transhumanists offer us. We can then live a conscious rational life in the computer cloud in disembodied form. Does this sound more likely than the New Testament promise of bodily resurrection? Digital immortality vs bodily resurrection?
Are frozen embryos really children? The Supreme Court of Alabama forces us to ask this question. Let's turn to the Protestant justification of a "yes" answer by Chief Justice Tom Parker and then examine the "yes" answer posed by Roman Catholic bioethicists. My own answer is negative. Alabama forces this question.
My student friend, Zipei, met her true soulmate, Nick. Together they share a relationship with the divine. That's what souls do. True soulmates share a relationship with the Divine.
To fear Christian Nationalism is like fearing a conspiracy theory. It's a waste of psychic energy. The real threat is Trump's Vermin Curse. Do you fear Christian Nationalism? The Vermin Curse?