news changes everything. in studio b but, first, from fox at high noon, chase field in phoenix, arizona, in five hours the best players in all of baseball step on to the field and catch the big game. on the local fox station, after the fox report, tonight, on this channel, and before then we will talk about major league baseball and the predictions and highlights from the home run derby. what do you know, robbie put on a clinic with help from his old man, and that is coming up in a few minutes in studio b today. but, first from fox at 12:00 in phoenix and 3:00 on the east coast the investigators of the casey anthony murder trial speaking of the case and for the first te since last week s not guilty verdict. casey anthony is due to walk out of the facility on sunday in orange county. a jury found her not guilty of killing her 2-year-old daughter but today a detective who testified over and over and over again during the trial and was one of the first to respond when caylee