Starting July 1, the WSU Office of Assessment for Curricular Effectiveness will be led by WSU alum Lindsey (Kimble) Brown immediately following the retirement of long-time director Kimberly Green.
More than 80% of surveyed students rated their overall experience as either excellent or good, with 82% of seniors attesting that they would definitely or probably attend WSU again if given the option.
When the results from this year’s survey are released in the fall, units will be able to compare student responses to the same questions spanning three survey cycles dating back to 2019.
Faculty and staff can help reinforce the importance of participating in the National Survey for Student Engagement, which provides information that will help shape future university programming.
The biennial NSSE survey for first-year and senior students will be emailed to them throughout March — but now is a good time to plan ways to encourage participation and underscore the value of student input about their WSU experience. NSSE opens Monday, March 1, with email invitations to all seniors and first-year students, and survey access through a tile in myWSU! Faculty and staff can plan now for in-class or social media promotion of the important survey, or to promote NSSE in newsletters, websites, or other publications or at student events in February and March. Customizable promotional materials are available for download at Visit the . » More .