right to vote. those sacrifices include drinking miller lite on private plane over memphis. it was moving. weav don t have a lot of photos from within that private plane, just like we don t have a lot o paintings from the private crossing of the delaware. as you can see, those people are terrified.d. not taking this trip on a private plane for themselves, they are doing it for democracy which paradoxically they have just suspended. revolutions are full of bitter t little ironies like that. you may be wondering how did all those lawmakers get on that plane, can you just walk on a plane now? does not require some kind of resisting the garden for photo i.d.? and are you required by federal law to wear a mask on an airplane? sure, you are in normal times but one is a revolution in process, rules are suspended.
here. the tea party. and ira, you are here because just read about george washington. george washington lost every of your book. single battle he fought for over a year. it changed my course. ira stoll wrote samuel in the opening stages of the war. adams: a life. loser. and i read this and i loser. by 1777, prospects were remember bringing it in and really looking bad. saying my gosh, i bring it in little hope for the overall to work every day and read it victory in the war. to people and say did you by september, the army had know this? been driven out of new york. and those are my paintings. just read a book on george copies of them. but that is the reason why washington, crossing of the delaware just the other day and i was reading it again. and they talked about when samuel adams is faith, washington looked over the because of your book. river and he saw new york. amazing. we have david barton here from wall builders. it was over. i want to spend some time just getting to know th