GRAFORD — Grasshoppers rocketed from a field of Indian blankets, black-eyed Susans and native grass as Texas Rep. Glenn Rogers piloted a four-wheeler through his ranch off Grassy Ridge Road
GRAFORD — Grasshoppers rocketed from a field of Indian blankets, black-eyed Susans and native grass as Texas Rep. Glenn Rogers piloted a four-wheeler through his ranch off Grassy Ridge Road
Texas Rep. Glenn Rogers on Thursday applauded the defeat of public school vouchers but bemoaned the loss of teacher pay raises during a regular — and four special — sessions.
Texas Rep. Glenn Rogers on Thursday applauded the defeat of public school vouchers but bemoaned the loss of teacher pay raises during a regular — and four special — sessions.
MINERAL WELLS — Some 200 area leaders on Thursday heard water experts explain how projects are financed and the urgency of working as a region to secure the vital resource.