During a student council meeting Wednesday night, the Associated Students of Madison voted unanimously to pass legislation that will work towards securing in-state tuition <span class="excerpt-more">.</span>
Dreamers of University of Wisconsin-Madison announced Monday that they and some UW students are proposing a bill in support of tuition equity for undocumented <span class="excerpt-more">.</span>
Wisconsin Idea Grant helps create Center for DREAMers at UW
July 2, 2021 6:37 PM Amanda Quintana
MADISON, Wis. Amazing ideas come out of the University of Wisconsin – Madison every year. And the Baldwin Wisconsin Idea Endowment helps bring a select few to life.
One of this year’s larger grants is helping create the Center for DREAMers at UW. The hub will serve the thousands of undocumented Wisconsin students with DACA.
Set to open in October, the Center for DREAMers will provide legal services, mental health services and career and educational counseling to students with DACA who are currently or have dreams of pursuing higher education.