The Immortal Awards has today unveiled the shortlist and finalists from Asia Pacific, following a virtual round of judging on Friday 22nd October, hosted in partnership with global partners Nice Shoes.
Saatchi & Saatchi Australia has won Grand Prix of the Year for ‘Donation Dollar’, created for the Royal Australian Mint at Ad Stars 2021. This campaign also won three Grand Prix awards in the Brand Experience & Activation, Design and Direct categories.
Ad Stars will return in 2022 for its 1
Lay s creates Chrome plugin that turns on subtitles when you munch Details 17 March 2021
If you have ever eaten chips while watching a YouTube video, you would know that it is tough to hear the audio while munching on the snack. Taking matters into its own hands, Lay s Vietnam trained an AI on 178 hours of crispy chip crunch sounds gathered from worldwide to create a plugin that is able to detect and activate subtitles from the second it hears a crunch. This allows viewers to snack without missing a single thing from the YouTube video.
The Crispy Subtitles were done in partnership with Happiness Saigon, an FCB alliance and production agency Bliss Innovative Maker Studio. The idea stemmed from the knowledge that consumers enjoyed snacking while watching their favourite YouTube videos.