The frontline indices opened high on Monday due to strong upmove in the US market on Friday and a strong opening in Asia today. On the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), 2160 stocks advanced, 1498 declined and 182 remained unchanged, with an advance decline ratio of 1.44, indicating a positive closing of stocks in broader markets.
Indian shares are set to open marginally higher on Thursday, with the benchmarks closing in on all-time highs, ahead of the Reserve Bank of India s monetary policy decision, where the central bank. | June 8, 2023
Tata Elxsi has designed and developed Crew Module Recovery Models for the recovery team training for the space mission. Scheduled for 2024, the Gaganyaan project aims to launch a three-member crew into a 400-km orbit for a three days
On Thursday, 1408 stocks advanced, 2146 declined and 114 remained unchanged on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), with an advance decline ratio of 0.66, indicating a negative closing of stocks in broader markets.