protections for consumers. if you want to call up after you bought something and falls apart and you don t want to pay for it you call the credit card operator and have it expunged, you can t necessarily do that with cash and get your money back, big protections built in for people who use credit card. i m not a fan for credit card debt, but a reason to use it sometimes and this will make it it harder and more expensive. starts on sunday and look at the retailer before you purchase it, don t want to pay town 4%. we ve got new job numbers. they are good. okay, down 5,000 for the week to 330,000, beating expectations. lowest since march of 2008. you want to see fewer people filing for jobless claims. shepard: lots of details how and when you would pay extra to use credit cards, and gerri has been researching with her team last night and into the day and make it a focus, the willis report six o clock eastern time. five o clock in oxford on the fox business network, just up the dial.
some 5,000 palestinians reportedly fled a u.n. refugee camp. more than 40 people have been killed in two days. those are the headlines from cnn, the world s news leader. world business today starts right now. good morning. from cnn london. i m charles hodson. and very good afternoon from cnn hong kong. i m andrew stevens. you re watching world business today. the top stories this tuesday, august 16th. new signs of slowing growth in europe as leaders of the euro zones top two economies try to restore confidence in the region. google announces its biggest bet. what s in it for the company and what it means for consumers. warren buffett says tax the mega rich. just how much of a difference would that make? we ll crunch the numbers. let s go straight to the market action in europe now where stock exchanges have been open just over an hour. here s how they re performing so far today. we re seeing a selloff, in fact a considerable selloff throwing away the gains that we