Thank you. Commissioner sanchez . I would just like to thank everybody for coming out this morning, and sharing with us, your dialogue and your concerns and pertaining to this unique collaboration. Which is now been under way and which has some unique challenges, which were brought out by our staff and also, emphasized and highlighted by a number of you, representing various parts of the challenge here. It is large, and that is a given, not only the building of the hospitals and the retrofitting of the hospitals and the quality, and the patients that are brought in all over the world, etc. , etc. , but, you know, the Competition Among the various campuses, whether it be cpmc, or whether it be the old Catholic Hospital west or kiaser or ucsf, one of the major things that it was brought in many, many years ago, was sort of an incentive to have the staff and our post docs and our medical students, and our Health Science students at ucsf, use the old bart ways, or shuttles, or anything to
It is large, and that is a given, not only the building of the hospitals and the retrofitting of the hospitals and the quality, and the patients that are brought in all over the world, etc. , etc. , but, you know, the Competition Among the various campuses, whether it be cpmc, or whether it be the old Catholic Hospital west or kiaser or ucsf, one of the major things that it was brought in many, many years ago, was sort of an incentive to have the staff and our post docs and our medical students, and our Health Science students at ucsf, use the old bart ways, or shuttles, or anything to not impact the campuses and the cars, etc. , etc. It is something that should not be on the radar and it should be a given and lets move forward on it. And the part that really, you know, it is still, you know, it is still, and again, it has been highlighted again, and how do we have, still and the fact, that, and in our department, the Health Department and in the presentation, that was excellent, and w
Various parts of the challenge here. It is large, and that is a given, not only the building of the hospitals and the retrofitting of the hospitals and the quality, and the patients that are brought in all over the world, etc. , etc. , but, you know, the Competition Among the various campuses, whether it be cpmc, or whether it be the old Catholic Hospital west or kiaser or ucsf, one of the major things that it was brought in many, many years ago, was sort of an incentive to have the staff and our post docs and our medical students, and our Health Science students at ucsf, use the old bart ways, or shuttles, or anything to not impact the campuses and the cars, etc. , etc. It is something that should not be on the radar and it should be a given and lets move forward on it. And the part that really, you know, it is still, you know, it is still, and again, it has been highlighted again, and how do we have, still and the fact, that, and in our department, the Health Department and in the pr
It is large, and that is a given, not only the building of the hospitals and the retrofitting of the hospitals and the quality, and the patients that are brought in all over the world, etc. , etc. , but, you know, the Competition Among the various campuses, whether it be cpmc, or whether it be the old Catholic Hospital west or kiaser or ucsf, one of the major things that it was brought in many, many years ago, was sort of an incentive to have the staff and our post docs and our medical students, and our Health Science students at ucsf, use the old bart ways, or shuttles, or anything to not impact the campuses and the cars, etc. , etc. It is something that should not be on the radar and it should be a given and lets move forward on it. And the part that really, you know, it is still, you know, it is still, and again, it has been highlighted again, and how do we have, still and the fact, that, and in our department, the Health Department and in the presentation, that was excellent, and w
It is large, and that is a given, not only the building of the hospitals and the retrofitting of the hospitals and the quality, and the patients that are brought in all over the world, etc. , etc. , but, you know, the Competition Among the various campuses, whether it be cpmc, or whether it be the old Catholic Hospital west or kiaser or ucsf, one of the major things that it was brought in many, many years ago, was sort of an incentive to have the staff and our post docs and our medical students, and our Health Science students at ucsf, use the old bart ways, or shuttles, or anything to not impact the campuses and the cars, etc. , etc. It is something that should not be on the radar and it should be a given and lets move forward on it. And the part that really, you know, it is still, you know, it is still, and again, it has been highlighted again, and how do we have, still and the fact, that, and in our department, the Health Department and in the presentation, that was excellent, and w