"Matrix planting involves three layers of plants: groundcovers, smaller and larger seasonal perennials," writes columnist Tom Karwin. "It does not include annual plants but could include architectural perennials (shrubs, and trees), if that works in your garden."
Monarch populations are teetering on extinction, their numbers down to 5% of what they were a few decades ago. Here's what to know and the simplest way to help.
"Today’s column picks apart the process of designing a garden bed. All gardeners have occasion to pursue such a project for various reasons, whether developing a new garden, replacing a bed that had been unpleasing, or adopting a new design objective," writes columnist Tom Karwin.
"California’s legislative session closed recently. As always, the state’s lawmakers addressed a range of issues and approved significant actions that are now ready for the governor’s actions," writes Tom Karwin. "Today’s topic focuses on two bills that relate to gardening: AB 1572 and AB 1573, both introduced by Assemblymember Laura Friedman."