that s not been our focus. you know, our focus is helping with student success and we stay focused on that goal. rick: sean devine s company is called course smart, based out in silicon valley. good to talk to you sir. all the best of luck to you and your team and and the technology. rick, we appreciate your time. thank you. jenna: skip a chapter here or there, you still get the point, right? only way some of us got through college. rick: exactly. jenna: well the adrenaline was pumping as two teenage girls find the strength to lift up a 1 1/2 ton tractor to save their dad. their incredible story next. the humble back seat.
instead of paying top dollar, some students are taking their business online. there is the netflix of textbook rentals. it offers to plant a free with each transaction. partner the american forests global relief program is involved with president clinton s global initiative and the treasurer of american forests, caroline gable is director of an animal rights organization the shared earth foundation. the good news about textbooks is that i think they are gradually going to go the way of the dinosaurs. electronic alternatives are going to very slowly and gradually take over. new textbooks are just a download away thanks to the rapidly growing textbook market. in 2009, e-textbook sales are estimated to reach $120 million. that s up 10% from a year ago. the way publishers are moving into the digital age is with consortium called course smart. students go and purchase a pass code to use the book online or use the book as a downloadable
the netflix of textbook rentals. it offers to plant a free with each transaction. partner the american forests global relief program is involved with president clinton s global initiative and the treasurer of american forests, caroline gable is director of an animal rights organization the shared earth foundation. the good news about textbooks is that i think they are gradually going to go the way of the dinosaurs. electronic alternatives are going to very slowly and gradually take over. new textbooks are just a download away thanks to the rapidly growing textbook market. in 2009, e-textbook sales are estimated to reach $120 million. that s up 10% from a year ago. the way publishers are moving into the digital age is with consortium called course smart. students go and purchase a pass code to use the book online or use the book as a downloadable file. in 2007, college textbook publishers joined forces to