Technical drawings for the redesign of Bob Hall Pier were finalized on March 1. Nueces Co. Commissioner Brent Chesney said that everything is on track and design should be going out for bids in April.
Listed are meetings involving city government, county government and school district agencies in Yamhill County. To update information, call the News-Register at 503-687-1291 .
Friends of the Park of Putnam County, the county’s parks foundation, exceeded its 2022 endowment goal of $100,000 thanks to member contributions, a matching grant and two significant gifts, including $25,000 from the alumni of Delta Kappa Epsilon (Deke) fraternity in honor of Betty and Pete Jackson ’44. “Our goal is to raise $100,000 annually for five years,” said Friends of the Park Board President Jessica Hartman. “This was our first year, and we are very thankful to have been successful.”