once that settled down, we were trying to settle down, figure out what just happened. i couldn t make heads or tails of what the situation was, if there was somebody that was dead. it was that it was that tense. police use batons to push back the rushing mob and eventually manage to control the crowd. there are no injuries, but two people are arrested for assaulting and obstructing officers. coming up high over the pacific, twin sisters fly off the hands l. people lose their temper, and when you re flying at 36,000 feet, it becomes a safety issue. find out why the pilot had to turn the plane around. i m not doing nothing wrong! when caught on camera: customers gone wild returns. yes! one phillips colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues. with three strains of good bacteria. [ phillips lady ] live the regular life. phillips .
you saw one man just toss one officer toss one of the potential customers into his car. once that settled down, we were trying to settle down, figure out what just happened. i couldn t make heads or tails of what the situation was, if there was somebody that was dead. it was that it was that tense. police use batons to push back the rushing mob and eventually manage to control the crowd. there are no injuries, but two people are arrested for assaulting and obstructing officers. coming up hello high over the pacific, twin sisters fly off the handle. people lose their temper, and when you re flying at 36,000 feet, it becomes a safety issue. find out why the pilot had to turn the plane around. i m not doing nothing wrong! when caught on camera: customers gone wild returns. foragers, those fishermen. for me, it s really about building this extraordinary community.
you had a bunch of people who didn t know what was going to happen, but yet knew something was going to happen. the crowd is anxious. fights have already broken out, and as the minutes tick by, people worry things will only grow more out of control. so the best buy manager comes out, is trying to ease whatever tension is in the air, and it was pretty thick. and at that point you knew, when the manager came out and started talking to the crowd, you knew there was going to be some kind of a stampede. the best buy manager gets on the radio and says a few more words. all right. everybody, this is the way it s going to go down, okay? and that s when the pandemonium, everything just busted loose. i need the first 40 individuals to line up police officers doing whatever they can, trying to push people back. you saw one man just toss one officer toss one of the potential customers into his car. once that settled down, we were trying to settle down, figure out what just happened
i couldn t make heads or tails of what the situation was, if there was somebody that was dead. it was that it was that tense. police use batons to push back the rushing mob and eventually manage to control the crowd. there are no injuries, but two people are arrested for assaulting and obstructing officers. coming up high over the pacific, twin sisters fly off the handle. people lose their temper, and when you re flying at 36,000 feet, it becomes a safety issue. find out why the pilot had to turn the plane around. i m not doing nothing wrong! when you have tough pain, do you want fast relief? try bayer advanced aspirin. it s not the bayer aspirin you know. it s different. first, it s been re-engineered with micro-particles. second, it enters the bloodstream fast, and rushes relief to the site of your tough pain. the best part? it s proven to relieve pain twice as fast as before.
i couldn t make heads or tails of what the situation was, if there was somebody that was dead. it was that it was that tense. police use batons to push back the rushing mob and eventually manage to control the crowd. there are no injuries, but two people are arrested for assaulting and obstructing officers. coming up hello high over the pacific, twin sisters fly off the handle. people lose their temper, and when you re flying at 36,000 feet, it becomes a safety issue. find out why the pilot had to turn the plane around. i m not doing nothing wrong! when caught on camera: customers gone wild returns. pain for over 100 years. ag and today, we re re-inventing aspirin for pain relief. with new extra-strength bayer advanced aspirin. it has microparticles so it enters the bloodstream faster and rushes relief right to the site of your tough pain. in fact, it s clinically proven to relieve pain twice as fast.