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that, yes, he s been able to keep the republicans unified in the senate, we need the 60 votes. joe manchin came through but no other democrat. laura: cory gardner breaking ranks today? got some people by the way, never combine our show, i always liked him. he won t come on the show. what s going on? some of the republican senators vote for those whom are cr, which is outrageous. we need people to stand strong on the border security and the president it s right on this issue, it s what the american people want rates we would let me tell you why cotton and mike lee said they do not vote for the g.o.p. bell. cotton set i could not support it because it gives legal status to illegal aliens without and a chain migration. mike lee said it does not do enough to reform the immigration system and address the graces of our southern border. they are both great in the immigration issue. they are both the best in the u.s. senate and immigration. they don t like this idea, clearly, the adminis