Prime Minister Narendra Modi accused the Rajasthan government of engaging in corrupt practices, claiming that all the black deeds of corruption were recorded in a red diary. He called for the revelation of these deeds and punishment for the guilty. Modi also alleged that the Congress government failed to address issues such as riots, atrocities against women and Dalits, and the drug trade.
The Ashok Gehlot-led government has promised subsidised power, LPG cylinder, medical insurance and pension. But there is much anger against the CM among Gujjars over his in-house tussle with Sachin Pilot
Both of the accused were absconding since the Rs 105 crore funds embezzlement case was unearthed in State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT) of Assam
Amritpal Singh Case: The Khalistani sympathiser has been on the run since March 18 when the police launched a crackdown against him. His close aide Papalpreet Singh was detained from Amritsar on Monday.