The Spanish-French true-crime series "A Kidnapping Scandal: The Florence Cassez Affair" is a thought-provoking documentary show that unravels issues of mass
votewise in the history of this great republic. and we got this guy playing his games down in louisiana saying it sucks. first woman speaker ever, been speaker twice, and engineered the greatest landslide victory in the history of congressional elections just last year. and you wonder what planet these people are on, and yet they actually are you want to talk about agents, whether they actually are agents for nancy pelosi and the democratic party. because everything they re doing is helping democrats win a landslide election next year. yeah, i mean, we ve talked about the corrupting effect of president trump on washington, on republicans in particular, and we saw it perhaps as starkly as we ve ever seen it last night. we ve talked about senator kennedy, comes on this show a lot. we ve always appreciated his insight, his candor, he s always
is, but they are under tremendous pressure to audition for the job every single day. they did not yet get the permanent nod. at every step they want to curry favor with the president. i think at worst, and we re not sure if that s what happened in this case, but at worst, putting their loyalty to the president ahead of their loyalty to the law to the constitution. what we could be seeing in this case. that s the corrupting effect that donald trump has had on government is everyone feels their main job is to protect him and i presume the reason adam schiff feels this must be about or may be about donald trump is that his chief protector right now in the government is the justice department. and what actually notably on that point is that this complaint was filed right around the time the previous permanent dni left. dan coats who was someone appreciated and respected in congress and was senate confirmed, this complaint was filed right as he is leaving and there s this tumult. we k
pick a fight here or be a little politic or a little disingenuous, but maybe i can get things done that i care about and that are good for the country. not just tax cuts but other things, decent appointments, strengthen my ability to calm at some point and try to push the president on to a responsible path, try to strengthen the james madisons and h.r. mcmasters in the administration. you can do a lot of rationalizing as to why you don t want to so-call call out donald trump. i think you would agree you don t need to go to the mat. just say something mild. over and over again, it has a real corrupting effect. eric ericson tweeted yesterday, it s weird people in the room don t remember trump using the word when trump himself was calling friends to brag about it afterwards. i spoke to one of those friends. the president thought it would play well with the base. was this all deliberate and political coming after a meeting where he was perhaps too soft on dreamers with members of the sen
i given person out there whether they live in chicago, whether they re a student, whether they re a senior citizen, to discern what is going on in the election? here is what i think. i think the supreme court decision on citizens united was one of the single worst decisions by a court because in argument of free speech, it is free for who can afford it. they decided if somebody can right a $34 million check their speech is more valuable than somebody who wants to cast a vote. that s what it decides. they put a price on freedom or rather put a price on free speech. single worst decision and there is others, by a supreme court, you will be a blemish on all of their records for allowing this decision. citizens united is taking advantage of a decision the court made. i have my own views about the policies and politics of citizens united, but they re operating within a system decided by a supreme court that is the single worst decision i have seen in the last on 20 years. is it having a