Known. This election marks the Largest Senate gains for a president s party in a first Midterm Election since at least president kennedys in 1962. There have been only four Midterm Elections since 1934 in which a president s party has gained even a single senate seat. As of now, we picked up it looks like three, and could be four, and perhaps two, but we picked up a lot. Most like ly the number is thre, and you people probably know that better than i do at this point, because you looked at the more recent numbers. 55 is the largest number of republican senators in the last 100 years. In years a president s party has only
acquired eight cumulative seats averaging one per decade, and so if we picked up two, three, four, that is a big percentage of that number. So in the last 80 years, you think of that. Only eight seats. In President Obamas first Midterm Election, he lost six senate seats, include ing ing i deep blue state of massachusetts. Republicans captured at least four senate seats
place, and you look at some of the other places, and we just got the word that in iowa you have a governor extended, andy kim, who was extend and num row pla number of places, and to be honest, i think it is a great victory. and some of the news is that it was a great victory, but looking at it from the standpoint of gridlock, and i really believe there is going to be much less gridlock because of the way in is going than any other. and a quick follow up on that. sit down, please. go ahead. thank you, mr. president, let me ask you about one of the campaign promises down the stretch which is a 10% tax cut for middle-class and you talked about the gridlock and the democrats are run the house ways and means committee and if it means a tax cut for the middle-class but raising rates on corpse corporations of the wealthiest, and is that a tradeoff
not for any cause like dealing with a major infrastructure or the no. it s simply because they didn t have the political courage to actually try to do a deficit neutral tax cut. the thing that s going to be outrageous, you can already hear it, once they ve increased the deaf site by $1.5 trillion, the top bunch of people are saying it s over $2 trillion when you look at the gimmicks. a range that goes as low as $500 billion all the way to $2 trillion? nobody serious says $500 billion. talked to some, know deficit, and growth dynamics, amazing, corpse corporations, hiring people, building factories. i think if i drink this water i m going to be fvtif 6 2 and