ITF targets the four worst flags in bid to scrap unsafe shipping from Mediterranean Sea. Inspectors from the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF), seafarers’ unions, and port authorities will target.
Up to a thousand ships flagged to the Cook Islands, Palau, Sierra Leone, and Togo will be targeted for safety, maintenance and seafarer welfare inspections across the Mediterranean Sea in the coming eight weeks by an army of inspectors from the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF), seafarers’ unions and port authorities.
The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) is launching a barrage of inspections on what could be up to 1,000 ships operating under four in.
WOLFEBORO — —In partnership with the New Hampshire Boat Museum (NHBM), the South Shore Outboard Association (SSOA) will again host the Granite State Title Series in 2022. A popular outboard