In Loving Memory: Virginia M. Gaylord Falmouth, MA passed away quietly in her sleep on June 4, 2021 at the age of 101. She was born in Waterbury, CT on
A Look Back: From the Gazette archives
200 Years Ago
■New Goods! Tappan and Whitney have added a new supply of many articles to their former stock at their cash store in Northampton, making their present assortment of woolen, linen, silk and cotton piece goods, hardware, etc., very good.
■Marble stone cutting, in all its branches tables, monuments, gravestones, etc. Marble from the best Swanton and Berkshire quarries, the former superior to any in the United States, executed with neatness and attention by Moses Goodale, in Amherst.
100 Years Ago
■Warren G. Harding of Ohio and Calvin Coolidge of Massachusetts were inaugurated President and Vice President of the United States at noon on Friday. Mr. Harding took the oath at 1:18 p.m. and Mr. Coolidge at 12:21 p.m.