Mystic ― On Friday, the Denison Pequotsepos Nature Center will present the inaugural Maggie Jones Environmental Hero Award to former Director Maggie Jones at its annual Green Tie Celebration.
“The pur.
A bee sting is no big deal for Stuart Woronecki of Stonewall Apiary.
“I get stung all the time; 10 times a day,” said the Hanover-based beekeeper, who tends to about 350 honeybee colonies in eastern C.
Stonington The town is partnering with the Trust for Public Land to purchase and preserve 224 acres of forest and farmland off Al Harvey Road.
The trust and the town now have 12 months to raise the $1.1 million needed to acquire the three parcels from trustee Katherine Anne Brewster-Duffy of Los Altos, Calif.
The fundraising effort will involve a mix of private donations and possibly federal or state grants. The town also has $318,000 in open space funds that could be used. By protecting three properties on Al Harvey we could create a community asset with significant ecological, recreational, economic, and social benefits for Stonington residents and visitors, states a fact sheet distributed by the town.