state. there are seven to nine states that are critical that are imbalanced, truly up for grabs. those poll numbers in the head-to-head contest don t surprise us. we said this would be a razor-thin, close election. i can tell you when we were on the ground and speak to women who understand what mitt romney has proposed in terms of politicians getting between their doctors and their tough decisions, we talk to young folks in that state. they are for president obama because they know he s got a vision for the future. both colorado and florida we are doing incredibly well getting out our vote early. patrick, thank you so much. we should note we will hear from your republican counterpart next hour. thank you, sir. thank you, craig. we are keeping a close eye on hurricane sandy as that storm gets ever closer to the east coast. more on the storm and a live report. that s straight ahead. plus later, president obama goes on mtv. we ll tell you what he said
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