trump. they have an opportunity to show they can rattle his cage and they did. once donald trump starts tweeting ow boabout you, you kn it s irritating him. it is a great way to hypertargt and to sort of play the same inside space game with him that he plays with a lot of other people. rick, because you are often on the forefront of the culture, you were writing about game of thrones putting it in the cont context. american democracy is dead. it s time for my american friends and let your past be a memory and donald trump be your king. rick, you want to explain that. sure. my new piece in daily beast is basically about the evolution of the gop and they have this problem. they still want to pretend that they re a constitutional party and adheres to the principles and everything else. but the way they behave and
losers as well. what s typically a thoughtful and reflective forum soon turned hostile as tensions ran high in both of the general election campaigns. clinton communications director accused breitbart run by steve bannon of promoting racist views. he is providing a a platform for white supremacists makes him a brilliant tactician, i am glad to have lost you think that i ran a campaign where the white supremists had a platform. you are going to be looking me in the face and say it did? it did. trump campaign manager kellyanne conway took issue with joel benenson for bringing up clinton s popular vote lead. the fact of the matter is that more americans voted for hillary clinton than donald trump and so put it in total con t context. there is nothing that said that the road to popular vote is that is what i premised the statement by saying that. and you cannot hey, guys, we won and you don t have to respond. well, kellyanne conway and
investigation, and that is all i can say about laquan mcdonald, and i think that is the last question. thank you. u thank you. and there is going to be no charges levied against officer george hernandez in the shooting of ronald johnson, the video has take the anne year to be shown and today, you saw it for yourself for the first time. it has now been shown with context. i want to bring in the legal analyst joey jackson and danny cevallos, a cevallos, and we have witnessed what is the case in chief for the prosecution. and this is a different time, and the public wants transparency as anita alvarez just said, and this is the way it seems now that they have to announce these things to the public with a massive degree of con t context. and it is important, because that is what you want to do, and provide the context that underlies the decision. at the end of the day, it is