Putin says peace talks have reached a 'dead end', IVF technology could help save koalas from extinction, further covid outbreaks in China have halted iPhone production, and MORE.
Credit activities and credit services.”
“We believe this list of eligible persons would be enhanced by having the consumer voice represented,” Maurice Blackburn said.
“It would be difficult for consumers (including victims of poor corporate behaviours) to have confidence in a system where their voice is not imbedded in the decision making process.
“We believe a simple adjustment could be made to the draft materials, to the effect that consumer voice such as from an appropriately qualified consumer representative (for example an employee of the Consumer Action Legal Centre, Financial Rights Legal Centre or Public Interest Advocacy Centre) is always required during these panel hearings.”
Twenty per cent cut back or went without essentials such as meals because they d overspent.
Twenty per cent missed other major bills including household payments and mortgages.
Fifteen per cent had to take out additional loans to make ends meet.
And of those who were in financial trouble, 52 per cent had more than one account.
Critics say the self-regulated code doesn t go far enough.
READ MORE: The buy now pay later industry need to come together, talk to each other about how they can stop people from signing up to multiple accounts and getting themselves into a string of trouble rather than just trouble with just one provider, RateCity s Sally Tindall told 9News.