Minot, ND 58701
bidder’s bond in a sum equal to 5%
of the full amount of the bid execut-
ed by the bidder as principal and by
a surety, conditioned that if the
principal’s bid is accepted and a
contract is awarded to the principal,
the principal, within ten (10) days
after the notice of the award, shall
execute a contract in accordance
with the terms of the bid and the bid
bond, and any conditions of the City
of Tioga, as required by law. A
countersignature of a bid bond is not
required. If the City of Tioga elects
to award a contract to the lowest
Minot, ND 58701
bidder’s bond in a sum equal to 5%
of the full amount of the bid execut-
ed by the bidder as principal and by
a surety, conditioned that if the
principal’s bid is accepted and a
contract is awarded to the principal,
the principal, within ten (10) days
after the notice of the award, shall
execute a contract in accordance
with the terms of the bid and the bid
bond, and any conditions of the City
of Tioga, as required by law. A
countersignature of a bid bond is not
required. If the City of Tioga elects
to award a contract to the lowest
Line (Centerline), LF, 980,186
762, 1105, Pvmt MK Painted 4IN
Line (Edgeline), LF, 2,850,365
762, 1108, Pvmt MK Painted 8IN
Line, LF, 200
basis of cash payment for the work
and materials, electronic bidding, ac-
companied by a bidder’s bond in the
amount of five (5) percent of the total
bid, executed by the bidder as prin-
cipal, and by a surety company au-
thorized to do business in the State
of North Dakota, as a guarantee that
the bidder will do business in the
State of North Dakota, as a guaran-
tee that the bidder will enter into a
contract for performance of such
work in case the contract is awarded