Saturday, Sept. 9 was the Big Niner for Pembroke resident Constance Connie Hodgson as she celebrated her 99th birthday with family and friends on the ninth day of the ninth month.
Bootle farmer Thomas Sharp got a blast from the past in 1989. Mr Sharp, of Hyton Farm, Bootle, found an old inventory compiled by his grandfather Abraham in a forgotten cupboard. The 100-year-old booklet listed the contents of the Broughton Mills watering hole, the Blacksmith s Arms. Abraham Sharp sold the contents of the pub in 1899. The booklet found by his grandson listed each item sold and its price. The grand total came to £19 9shillings. Rum was fairly pricey - a bottle would set you back 19 shillings. Scotch went for 13 shillings a bottle. The pub had six spittoons, sold at sixpence each.