sean: it gets more absurd though. they would have us believe tonight that donald trump when he sold a home for a nice profie back in 2005, he knew he was going to run for president and that russia knew he was going to win back 2016. he sold it to a russian oligarch and now we proved the russian nexus connection thing. i am in the twilight zone. remember, the russians started to try to t win the white house the conspiracy theories on the left have no end with donald trump. i talked to him a little bit at c-pac, what he s teaching the republican party is stay on offense because these attacks are a waste of time. sean: it s true but also a little bit dangerous.
water at all. so if you steal a bag of gold coins from the dwarf people, like that s supposed to i m just trying to get i think in real life you ll behave better towards dwarves. little people? thau kevin, you ve been involved in shows that had violence on screen. what do you make of this whole connection thing? do you think this study would hold true for movies and tv? i think it was a study brought on by electronic arts. our games don t cause any problems. in-group loyalty is not a moral. so it s a weird test to begin with. another study wasting tax dollars. if you re looking at school shootings going on across the country, half these kids are talking about were playing kindergarten killer, and they definitely have an effect on people over the long-term. but i wonder if it s not the video game that has the effect on people, but people who don t
yes, yes. will cain you were on tv working this weekend. still hasn t shaved. didn t have a chance. worked all weekend. you lie. we re not going to pretend to feel sorry for you. our starting point, towns in the plains adding up the damage from a swarm of tornados that happened over the weekend. reports of more than 130 twisters that touched down over four states, many tornadoes happening in kansas, the community that may have been the hardest hit is in woodward, oklahoma, where five people were killed. i thought it was a train coming down the tracks over there and i looked out and i seen the funnel and i started running through the house creaming marcia! marcia! i mean loud, i was scared. it gives me a whole new respect for tornadoes how they can in an instant destroy everything that everyone knew. cnn s rob marciano is live for news woodward, oklahoma, this morning. good morning to you. you know, you listen to those folks talking and almost sounds like t
administration. this is a bipartisan undertaking. the vice president tonight saying we briefed as many as 16 people, nobody leaked the secret. be big in politics, it will give you some leverage. we ll see if it lasts. it is a chance to be big and it definitely shows he s big and he s a leader, but he still has to have that connection thing that he had so well in 2008 that many people think he lost. and big picture, that is what people are still going to be looking for. and the metaphor of the first president bush who was about 90 in the approval ratings about this far out after desert tomorrstorm. does that scare the white house? if it doesn t, it better. people in september, october, 1992, despite a lot of data saying the economy was coming back didn t believe it and they sent george h.w. bush home. don t think they re not aware of that, the obama white house. and just think about how much of a game changer osama bin laden himself was in so many past elections. i remember sitt