Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Ahead of upcoming Lok Sabha elections, Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed a rally in Uttar Pradesh's Pilibhit on Tuesday and asked the citizens to support Jitin Prasada, UP's Public Works Minister and BJP's Lok Sabha candidate from Pilibhit. India News | PM Modi Campaigns for BJP Candidate Jitin Prasada in Pilibhit, Appeals to Make the Lotus Bloom Again.
Get latest articles and stories on Business at LatestLY. Abu Dhabi [UAE], April 9: Marking a milestone in the technology sector of Abu Dhabi, a visionary team has launched the Venom Blockchain, a high-caliber project that has swiftly achieved a market cap surpassing $5.2 billion, with exchange volumes toppling $200 million on leading platforms. This remarkable feat underscores Abu Dhabi's emerging role as a crucible of innovation and technological progress within the global fintech industry. Business News | Innovation in Abu Dhabi: The Venom Blockchain Revolution Begins.
Launching a scathing attack on the Congress and the INDIA bloc while sounding a warning bell, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday said that action against corruption will speed up in the third term of his government at the Centre. ️ Lok Sabha Elections 2024: PM Narendra Modi Attacks Congress and INDIA Bloc, Says ‘Action Against Corruption Will Speed Up in Third Term of My Government’.