Latest Breaking News On - Committee meeting foreign affairs acting undersecretary for bilateral relations and asean eu delegation ma theresap lazaro managing director asia the pacific at european external action service gunnar wiegand before during their joint in makati last tuesday april 26 - Page 1 :
COMMITTEE MEETING. Foreign Affairs Acting Undersecretary for Bilateral Relations and ASEAN Affairs EU Delegation Ma. Theresa P. Lazaro and Managing Director for Asia and the Pacific at the European External Action Service Gunnar Wiegand before and during their joint committee meeting in Makati last Tuesday (April 26, 2022). (Photos by DFA/Philip Adrian Fernandez) MANILA - The Philippine government is seeking an expanded maritime cooperation with the European Union. During the second Philippine-EU joint committee meeting in Makati on April 26, Manila proposed a new subcommittee on maritime matters and floated the possible expansion of cooperation on maritime jurisdictions, security, ocean governance, shipping, and seafaring with the EU. In a joint statement released April 27, the two parties also expressed concern over "unilateral actions that endanger peace, security and stability and the international rules-based order". Referring to the South China Sea row, the two undersco