Thursday night’s Planning Commission meeting, with only a consent agenda, quickly went off the rails when it appeared that some on the panel were determined to have a do-over vote on the Orchard Creek Estates subdivision. The Orchard Creek item was pulled from the consent agenda and Commissioner Wolfe read a statement. Chair Wahl then […]
MY EDMONDS NEWS Posted: December 15, 2020
It’s true, contrary to precedent, protocol, and procedure as verified on the SnoPUD Commission Website, Sid Logan on Dec. 1 voted for himself again as president of the Snohomish Public Utility Commission; 2021 would make the third year as president, clearly prohibited by commission procedures. According to the stated policy on the SnoPUD Commission website, the commissioners rotate positions each year so that no one is president more than one year at a time. In 2020, when it was her time to rotate into the president role, Commissioner Tanya (Toni) Olson declined the position, turning over her rotation to Sid Logan, who had already been president for one year. Commissioner Rebecca Wolfe, new to the commission in January 2019, was secretary for that first year, as expected in the 2020 rotation, Commissioner Wolfe then moved to vice president and Commissioner Olson to secretary.