and ththen twist i it somewhe. i just can t believe the way people are. whatat is it witith humanity? what k kind of a w world dodo we live i in? andederson: you re notot alone, ulultimate. i think ththat s whatt the cocomic s sayiying. rereality is t the fodder r fory because it s what we have. so wherere else can n we find cy if not i in real lifife? david: as opposed to what, fake life? you know. life is real. yeah, we got that. first, a philosophical question. have you ever noticed when you re driving that anyone who s driving slower than you is an idiot? [ laughter, applause ] and anyone driving faster than you is a maniac! you see a million things a day in your life, anand they allll go onon the back k burner of your r six-burnerer wolf, ridiculoususly priced d mind. a comedianan comes outut and brs it to the front buburner. i dodon t like other peopople s showewers. there s always a problem with temperature adjustment. there s always a little hair stuck on the wa
kramer: take one! jerrrry: no! krkramer stop p it! jajason alexanander: and boom, ththere you gogo, a situtuation comemedy. sheldodon: bazingaga! tim allelen: this twtwenty -t-three minututes of magic. lucycy: it s soo tasty, too! tracy morgan: you fell in love with these characters. arnold: whwhat chu talkin about willllis? geri jewell: we need to laugh at ourselves. joey: yoyou hide my y clothe, i m wearining everything you ow. constance e wu: lalaughter o opens you u u. haley:y: okay ready? sururpri! [screamingng and chaosos] mara b brock akil:l: the thinings that wewe might bee afraid to o talk aboutut. bobow: some pepeople thatt were supposed to protectct us d didn t do the right t thing. tim reid: like racism. son: so ththe cops are the babad guys? dre: yeses. bow: n no. kim m fields: clclass wars ralplph: money!! i m a a millionairire. dadan levy: anand gender diverersity. sarah:h: dad? mamaura: hi girls.s. ted dansnson: you cacan reach id rereally touchch people s
asner: i ll tell you about the golden age of television. thisis period inin time will be looked upon as the platinum age. lear: our obligation is to entertain, anand if we veve left somethino think k about, so o much the b . kunta. kunta kinte. televisionon should nonot be jujust entertainment. charges were leveled at the commerercial televevision netw. congress has no right interfere with the media. well, excuse m me! we havave a respononsibility to give e the audienence what it tuned in to see. ththe years ofof the 60s,, which h end in a f few hours, have a bad reputation that is not entirely justified. some things got worse, obviously, but tv and other news coverage is better, not worse. we simply developed more demanding standards. when i think of tv, i think of the 70s. whwhat is thisis d coming to?o? the american public was hungry for more. what was allowowed that hadn t bebeen before?e? it was t the last dedecade whe it wasas a campfirire televisi, wherere there wawa