I am delighted to now introduce the board of trustees, Jacob Weisberg, who has been involved in the internet before we knew what it was since 1996. Eer in then a pionw field and what we talked about how to take on the topic whouding experts and people signed Net Neutrality and their eyes glazed over and we got the perfect person would be Jacob Weisberg so over to you. Thank you. Want to think of the fordham system for sponsoring this event. We are going to do way better than have your eyes glaze over. A hallucination of this interesting and lively and very urgent issue. I want to briefly introduce the panel and then give them a chance to make Opening Statements and will mix it up and save time for questions. I will start with my old friend micah sifry and i know him going back to when he was a writer for the nation. That he works for the democracy for and author of a new book called the big disconnect. Agree with the premise. To my left is tim wu, you may recognize him from his recent