Oppo ColorOS 12 China rollout plan for Q1 2022 has been revealed. The latest version of its Android 12-based operating system will start rolling out to various Oppo and OnePlus handsets from the first week of January. Meanwhile, OnePlus co-founder Pete Lau has said that the ColorOS update for OnePlus is delayed because the company wants to deliver a seamless migration process.
Oppo recently released its ColorOS 12 update and is currently rolling it out to a number of its devices. We got to try the new skin out for some time now and will be providing you with our views on it here.
The latest version of the ColorOS platform was launched on 11th October globally and now it is available to download in all the existing devices. This new platform comes with a plethora of new AOD features, privacy, new designs and an all new icon pack.
Oppo has announced the launch date of the latest ColorOS 12 which will be based on Android 12. This platform is going to come with a redesigned user interface along with several other features including privacy improvements. The new upgrade is going to be released on 11th October in India for more than 110 smartphones of different companies.