Dr. Vinh Chung, co-founder and co-owner of Vanguard Skin Specialists, believes doctors and lions have something in common — both would rather have freedom than security.
City should flex its muscles
We are a Home Rule city in Colorado. Here’s what that means in the Colorado Constitution, Article XX, section 6, Home Rule for Cities and Towns:
A city or town vested with Home Rule authority in Colorado shall always have the power to make, amend, add to, or replace the charter of said city or town and shall be its organic law. Charter and ordinances made in such matters shall supersede within the territorial limits of said city and town any law of the state in conflict therewith.
That means we can resist the state government in Denver when their mandates are bad for the citizens of Colorado Springs. The biggest example in front of our faces is opening up our city, businesses, and churches in a ‘scamdemic’ rigged to never end. Masks and social distancing should be individual choices, not unlegislated mandates. Locking down businesses and restaurants to 25% occupancy is ludicrous and destructive.