Coming in hot — 2023 being the hottest year in climate history since recording began in 1880 — a Colorado senator representing the Telluride area and a board member from
LA Junta Tribune
Colorado House Representative Stephanie Luck and Colorado Senator Cleave Simpson will be in the Arkansas Valley area May 8.
The two are holding town hall Q&As at the West Assembly of God church, 406 W. Eugene Avenue in Fowler, and at the Rocky Ford Fairgrounds, 300 N. 9th Street.
The town hall in Fowler is scheduled for 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. May 8 and then the two move to Rocky Ford for a second town hall, scheduled for 2-3:30 p.m.
Attendees will get the chance to meet and chat with Luck and Simpson as the two plan to discuss the 2021 legislative session and answer any questions in the Q&A session.