down a little further. for those that have low rate mortgages, see if they can that have low rate mortgages, see if they can fix that have low rate mortgages, see if they can fix them, but i think the problem is they can fix them, but i think the problem is here in the us, we have seen problem is here in the us, we have seen mortgage rates rise to over 7% recently, seen mortgage rates rise to over 7% recently, so seen mortgage rates rise to over 7% recently, so that is a huge increase in what recently, so that is a huge increase in what they recently, so that is a huge increase in what they have been out, so that has been in what they have been out, so that has been putting quite a dent onto the market, so i think for people who want the market, so i think for people who want to buy a home, if they who want to gg¥ g qggg ; ng - probably it whq want to buy a home. if they probably it is a good time to could, probably it is a good time to wait could, probably it is
Centrul INFOTRAFIC din Inspectoratul General al Poliţiei Române informează că duminică după-amiază se înregistrează valori ridicate de trafic pe DN 1 Braşov - Ploieşti - Bucureşti
Centrul Infotrafic al Poliției Române anunță că sâmbătă se circulă în coloană pe Valea Prahovei, la Comarnic, Bușteni și Azuga, dar și pe DN 39 Constanța – Mangalia, în
Joi, 12 August 2021 - Un tanar sucevean care a suferit in urma cu cateva zile un accident grav in judetul Constanta a fost transferat, miercuri, cu un elicopter SMURD, la Spitalul Judetean de Urgenta Sfantul Ioan cel Nou Suceava. Purtatorul de cuvant al Spitalului Suceava, dr. Dan Teodorovici, a declarat ca tanarul a suferit o fractura de coloana cervicala in urma unei sarituri in piscina si a fost internat la un spital din Constanta.