clean water. which is why we have john leading our efforts to replenish every drop of water we use. we believe our business thrives when our communities thrive. which is just one of the reasons we help make college a reality for thousands of students. today, companies need to do more. so john and willie are trying to do just that. thank you for listening. we re listening too.
made specifically for indoor cats. purina cat chow. nutrition to build better lives. he s on his way to work in alaska. this is john. he s on his way to work in new mexico. willie and john both work for us, a business that employs over 90,000 people in the u.s. alone. we are the coca-cola company, and we make much more than our name suggests. we re an organic tea company. a premium juice company. we ve got drinks for long days. for birthdays. for turning over new leaves. and all of our products rely on the same thing we all do. clean water. which is why we have john leading our efforts to replenish every drop of water we use. we believe our business thrives when our communities thrive. which is just one of the reasons we help make college a reality for thousands of students. today, companies need to do more. so john and willie are trying to do just that.
he s on his way to work in alaska. this is john. he s on his way to work in new mexico. willie and john both work for us, a business that employs over 90,000 people in the u.s. alone. we are the coca-cola company, and we make much more than our name suggests. we re an organic tea company. a premium juice company. we ve got drinks for long days. for birthdays. for turning over new leaves. and all of our products rely on the same thing we all do. clean water. which is why we have john leading our efforts to replenish every drop of water we use. we believe our business thrives when our communities thrive. which is just one of the reasons we help make college a reality for thousands of students. today, companies need to do more. so john and willie are trying to do just that. thank you for listening. we re listening too.
which is why we have john leading our efforts to replenish every drop of water we use. we believe our business thrives when our communities thrive. which is just one of the reasons we help make college a reality for thousands of students. today, companies need to do more. so john and willie are trying to do just that. thank you for listening. we re listening too. with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis? how do you chase what you love do what i did. ask your doctor about humira. it s proven to help relieve pain and protect joints from further irreversible damage in many adults. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. humira has been clinically studied for over 20 years. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and n up next, my interview with hillary clinton. you don t want to his that. s oo work in alaska. this is john. he s on his way to work in new mexico. willie and john both work for us, a business that employs over 90,000 people in the u.s. alone. we are the coca-cola company, and we make much more than our name suggests. we re an organic tea company. a premium juice company. we ve got drinks for long days. for birthdays. for turning over new leaves. and all of our products rely on the same thing we all do. clean water. which is why we have john leading our efforts to replenish every drop of water we use. we believe our business thrives when our communities thrive. which is just one of the reasons we help make college a reality