Sabine Coll Boghici, a 48-year-old Brazilian woman, was detained on suspicion of participating in a bizarre scheme to defraud her 82-year-old mother Genevieve Boghici the wife of the late art collector Jean Boghici of money, valuables, and jewellery totalling approximately 724 million reais ($142.42 million). Her arrest has revealed a frightening web of deception that, […]
A woman has been arrested on suspicion of swindling her 82-year-old widowed mother out of a painting worth £48million by hiring a psychic to claim it was cursed
Sabine Coll Boghici, 48, is accused of defrauding Genevieve Boghici, the wife of the late art collector Jean Boghici, out of money, artwork and jewelry totaling.