Through a credit card or bank account. At the end of every billing consumers would pay for their Telephone Service plus the purchase is that a page from thirdparty vendors. In theory using a telephone bill as a way to purchase goods and Services Makes some sense as a lot of potential. And it attracted a lot of interest. As several of our witnesses point out in their testimony today and do it very well, the socalled direct Carrier Billing method payment could benefit and bank customers, and other people looking for an alternative way dead shopper mecca charitable contribution. The reality of thirdparty charges on telephone bills is a markedly different story, a profoundly different tale and the fact of the matter is that it has not lived up to its potential. The pennant platforms. Figured out a way to beat the system. Theyve found ways still on cram unauthorized charges and have been absolutely relentless in doing so. So today most consumers still did not understand, including some of m
Hearing. [inaudible conversations] this hearing is open, and ask as you know and as you know, my name is richard blumenthal, im senator from connecticut, and i am here, regretfully, in place of chairman rockefeller who has an urgent intel, intelligence matter and, therefore, could not be with us at the opening. I dont think hell be able to join us, but his absence is in no way a sign of any lack of interest in this subject. In fact, ive talked to him in some detail about this hearing, and i know that he would be here if he could be. I want to welcome all of our panel here and all of the folks who are attending. This subject is one very, very close to my heart as a former attorney general for a couple of decades in connecticut. I had First Experience with cramming, both wireless and land line, and worked with at least one of the members of this panel, attorney general sir rell, and ill be introducing him in just a moment. As many of you know, the telephone industry decided to get into t