Chaplain conroy let us pray. Dear god, we give you thanks for giving us another day. We ask your special blessing upon the members of this peoples house. They face difficult decisions and difficult times. With many forces and interests demanding their attention. In these days, give wisdom to all members that they might execute their responsibilities to the benefit of all americans. Bless them, o god, and be with them and with us all this day and every day to come. May all that is done be for your greater honor and glory, amen. The speaker the chair has examined the journal of the last days proceedings and announces to the house his approval thereof. Pursuant to clause 1 of rule 1 the journal stands aproved. Pursuant to clause 1 of rule 1, ademand a vote on agreeing to the speakers apursuant to the rule of the journal. The speaker the question is on agreeing to the speakers approval of the journal, those in favor say aye, those opposed, no. The journal stands approved. For what purpose
Cspan 2. And a full meeting in the rules committee and another tomorrow beginning at 10 30, that will be on cspan3. Waiting for the house to gavel back in. Several votes here on cspan. We are expecting the house to gavel back in shortly. Votes next. Resumehe and takthe ha. E chair the commite of the whe houson the state of the union for furtr consideration of h. R. 3326 h the clerk will report by title. Trk a ill to to increae countabilityombat Management Effectivenessthe orld bank. Thair when the commite ofhe wholeose earlier today,mendment number 3 printed in part a of house repo11518 byhe geneman from ntuckymr. Barr, had een disposed thchair pursut to clause 6, rule 18,he unfind is request formendment numb 2 and by the gentlemanrom virgin, mr. Clly on whic further prdings were poponed a the yeas pvail voic vote. The clerk amendment number 2 printed in hoe 115518 fered by mr. Connolly of virginia. The air those in support of the requet for a recordevote willise. A sufficient nuer hav
The dea, prescribe controlled substances. So in the state medical Marijuana Program the required position to asia prescription for marijuana would be a nonstarter. No positions going to risk the registration with the dea, a medical practice, their livelihood in order to prescribe marijuana. In fact, the states already knew this when california passed proposition 215 back in 1996. I put up your the example of a law that was passed almost two decades prior to californias medical Marijuana Law. This one was passed in virginia in 1979. It is a law, a medical Marijuana Law allows people to possess and use marijuana free of state sanctions so long as they get a physicians prescription to use the drug. Laws like virginias law from 1979 in have any effect. No physician was willing to follow through, issue a prescription so they are still on the books in the states but they didnt have any practical effect. California at least the proposed a proposition 15 found a workaround. What was that . Pro
The dea, prescribe controlled substances. So in the state medical Marijuana Program the required position to asia prescription for marijuana would be a nonstarter. No positions going to risk the registration with the dea, a medical practice, their livelihood in order to prescribe marijuana. In fact, the states already knew this when california passed proposition 215 back in 1996. I put up your the example of a law that was passed almost two decades prior to californias medical Marijuana Law. This one was passed in virginia in 1979. It is a law, a medical Marijuana Law allows people to possess and use marijuana free of state sanctions so long as they get a physicians prescription to use the drug. Laws like virginias law from 1979 in have any effect. No physician was willing to follow through, issue a prescription so they are still on the books in the states but they didnt have any practical effect. California at least the proposed a proposition 15 found a workaround. What was that . Pro
The dea, prescribe controlled substances. So in the state medical Marijuana Program the required position to asia prescription for marijuana would be a nonstarter. No positions going to risk the registration with the dea, a medical practice, their livelihood in order to prescribe marijuana. In fact, the states already knew this when california passed proposition 215 back in 1996. I put up your the example of a law that was passed almost two decades prior to californias medical Marijuana Law. This one was passed in virginia in 1979. It is a law, a medical Marijuana Law allows people to possess and use marijuana free of state sanctions so long as they get a physicians prescription to use the drug. Laws like virginias law from 1979 in have any effect. No physician was willing to follow through, issue a prescription so they are still on the books in the states but they didnt have any practical effect. California at least the proposed a proposition 15 found a workaround. What was that . Pro