Three part-time Frazer police officers are now full time. Township supervisors on Tuesday approved the promotions of Sean Moore, Michael Shook and Cole Berg as full-time officers, effective Sunday, Aug. 6. Lori Ziencik, Frazer township secretary and supervisor, said the promotions were recommended by Chief Terry Kuhns. Kuhns said Moore
Irwin officials hired full-time and part-time police officers to replace two members of the force who recently resigned. Council hired Stephen Novotnak of North Huntingdon as a full-time officer. Previously a part-time officer, he will be paid the starting patrolman’s rate of $25.62 per hour, plus benefits afforded in the
Irwin’s police department has new replacements for two part-time officers who left the force last month. Borough council on Wednesday hired Kyle Morton of Yukon as a full-time officer at a rate of $25.62 an hour, plus benefits. Cole Bertok of Jeannette was hired as a part-time officer at a