On March 30, Delhi Police Special Cell filed its first charge sheet naming Purkayastha, founder of news portal and the company PPK NewsClick Studio Pvt. Ltd, which owns the portal, as accused | Latest News India
The Kerala High Court recently rejected a plea under the Protection of Civil Rights Act, stating that unless the obstruction or annoyance was committed by the accused while the petitioner was.
The Madras High Court recently observed that the court competent to initiate confiscation proceedings and issue directions for disposal of seized materials with respect to the Mines and Minerals.
The Court was hearing an educationist's plea challenging the criminal proceedings registered against him for allegedly abusing a student's father with his caste name.
A Delhi court has taken cognisance of Delhi Police chargesheet in the sexual harassment case against BJP MP and Wrestling Federation of India President, Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh and summoned him to Court on July 18.