March 4, 2021
District 1 – Baudette area
CO Demosthenes Regas (Blackduck) reports checking anglers and monitoring activity on snowmobile trails this week. Regas reports the warm weather this past week took a toll on snowmobile trails, which deteriorated quickly and are in poor condition.
CO Nicholas Prachar (Blackduck) investigated an area river that had been filled in with dirt and debris. An area logger had made two river crossings, but they were not in compliance with the allowed parameters. Prachar advised the logger on what was legal for river crossings and gave him 24 hours to correct the issues. Both crossings were brought into compliance within four hours.
February 25, 2021
District 1 – Baudette area
CO Demosthenes Regas (Blackduck) worked snowmobile enforcement and angling activity on special-regulation lakes this past week. Time also was spent patrolling area grant-in-aid snowmobile trails with neighboring officers.
CO Eric Benjamin (Warroad) continued his focus on angling and off-highway vehicle enforcement this past week. Enforcement action taken this past week included a motor vehicle other than a snowmobile operating on a state grant-in-aid snowmobile trail, possessing fillets on a special-management water, immeasurable carcasses of walleyes, angling without a valid license or no license in possession, and no identification displayed on a shelter.
CO Aaron Larson (Baudette) worked primarily angling and snowmobiling enforcement. Larson also checked anglers on Lake of the Woods and found limited fishing success. Violations encountered were related to extra lines, shelter licenses, and angling licenses.
Area MnDNR Conservation Officer Weekly Reports - Feb. 23, 2021 Written By: PineandLakes Echo Journal | 9:00 am, Feb. 23, 2021 ×
District 10 - Mille Lacs area
CO Bret Grundmeier (Hinckley) found some ice anglers having luck catching sunfish and crappies. While checking a hot crappie bite area, one individual was caught trying to keep extra fish. After finding a limit of fish in the angler’s 5-gallon bucket, more fish were found hidden under the snow. Other activity included patrolling snowmobile trails and dealing with complaints of wolves harassing livestock.
CO Gregory Verkuilen (Garrison) checked lake activity. Warmer weather and a local fishing contest brought out crowds. A couple inches of snow also boosted snowmobile traffic. Lack of required safety training is still an issue. Verkuilen also attended training and answered questions regarding fishing licenses, which expire next weekend.