you have some resilient and amazing people on the teams and happy to call a couple good friends. i went to their base in co coronado several years ago and took a tour. it s remarkable what physical challenges these people are put through. yeah. buds is their indoctrination, a six-week grind i m quite certain i couldn t have made it through. that s why i m here as an ambassador and not an ex-navy s.e.a.l. it s not a series of eight-minute miles. talk about the things they have done that americans need to know. the s.e.a.l.s or the fund? the s.e.a.l.s. they have been deployed on the war on terror for almost ten years, which is that s quite amazing. ten years this september. they ve been involved in everything theater of war, if the community is about 8500 people probably today in the 2500, what they would call,