St. Augustine was an ardent defender of the truth and unity of the Catholic Church "We must hold fast to the Christian religion and to communion with that Church which is Catholic, and is called .
What does it mean to be a saint? The saints were men and women who, in love with the fullness of truth, not only lived for God, but lived in God. They were people whose love .
St. Jerome is one of the four great Latin Doctors of the Church St. Jerome is one of the four great Latin Doctors of the Church and is perhaps best known for his translation of the Hebrew books of .
'I submit to the judgement of the Holy Roman Church, in obedience of which I now part from this world' "This much is abundantly manifest: by his words and by the example of his life [St. Thomas .
It was love that led St. Bernard to the fullness of truth; a way of life immersed in beauty and freedom It is true that the creature loves less because she is less. But if she loves with her whole .