It means you stay with where youre at and buy risk assets. French wine, joe. Italian parm. All the good things. Cheaper for us if this works. Its 1. 35, give me 1. 29 and were calling the travel agent. Your car is made overseas . Yeah. Going to ask me if it runs on diesel like andrew. I wasnt going to ask you. Im about relative price if it goes down. Its harkening back to a previous. 129 and were getting the travel agent and taking squawk. Where are we going, joe . 130 is the you know what i think, andrew, you make the call, you know him, probably have his number, lets go game of throwns to bravnick. Call up ben. Game of thrones tour you can take. I bet there is. I dont think those people are actually there, though. You want to sit on the iron throne, dont you, joe . One thing i promised i would never discuss on squawk was me sitting on the throne. You violated that in the past. I think i have, yeah. Is there anything andrew, come back. I will. Im going to go to napa and bring back som